
      It is about 6 km southwest of Anamur and only 64 km from Cyprus Anemurion actually means windy cape, from "anemos", meaning "wind" in Greek. The city was founded by the Phoenicians in the 12th or 13th century BC and was later occupied by the Assyrians and Hittites.Anemurion became a great trading center during the Roman period. Its historical ruins include a necropolis, a theater, an odeon, three Turkish baths, aqueducts and mosaics.
         When you approach the ancient Anemurion ,  you will  first confronted with the ruins of the city walls. The city walls are 1,700 m long and 500 m wide and are supported with watchtowers. Construction of the walls was from 4th century BC - 4th century AD.  Next, there is the odeon, which dates from the 2nd century AD, has 900 seats and was used as a music hall and meeting hall. The public baths date from the 3rd century AD. The necropolis contains many  freestanding tombs, but the most important ones  are close to the public. Towards the beach, there are the remains of a bath complex and a palaestra, i.e. a training and parade ground. This training school for all kinds of physical exercises, together with the complex of the public baths, covered an area of 1000 square meters. 

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